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The Man Behind the Words

Ah, the good ole elevator pitch! Where I get to sell myself to you.


All you need to know about me is this:


I write about what I know.


If you want to know who I am or what I think about, read my work. If you want to know about all the why's and why not's in my life, buy me a cigar and a craft beer, and I'll be happy to share.


I love to write. When everything in life goes to hell, my words are always there for me.


In saying that, you can assume with confidence that everything I put on the page, whether it's for you or for me, will be original, enjoyable and truthful - at least from the way I see it.


If you want my words to work for you, contact me. If collaborative work isn't what you had in mind and you're just here to enjoy what my meaty fingers produce from pounding tirelessly on this keyboard every day, that's fine with me too.


Either way, 


stay weird & be different.

A Wee Bit More...

Writing is a part of me, it's not all of me.


I love to ride my bicycle. Cycling is my main mode of transportation and no treacherous Canadian winter is going to change that. That’s not entirely true. By January, I am usually done with biking ‘til March; especially during the past couple of winters.


I am also in the gym – a lot. I stay active for a multitude of reasons. Sure, there’s the whole health thing, but it’s more than that for me. Whether I’m cycling, weight lifting or hiking, I find that when I’m moving, my brain is too and that’s when much of my self-proclaimed genius strikes. I write better and my body feels better when I move around a lot so making time in my day to get outside and explore the world around me is important.


I like to read, which, incidentally, they say is a good way to become a better writer. I don’t care what I’m reading, so long as I feel like I’m learning something. Kerouac, Bukowski, and Wilde satiate my thirst for fiction while a plethora of stoics, Buddhists and Taoist, and journalists such as Charlie LeDuff and Jeremy Scahill occupy my time in the non-fiction genres.


If I’m not cycling, working out or reading, I’m probably watching baseball or smoking a cigar. Sometimes both at once.


Lastly, I have a personality and a strong voice. If you’re thinking about working with me, know that those attributes will bleed into my writing. I am not a robot; although A.I. is getting worryingly personable and unique, so that old adage may not be as true as it once was. In any case, I’m human and I write like a human with lots of passion and character and heart ought to write.


If you like what you’ve read and want to work together, send me an email or give me a call at 1-519-216-1520.

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